HighKholle - HighColle

HighKholle is a platform (in French) whose purpose is twofold:

(1) As a User (Sign up for free), you can create and share private notes using LaTeX. Test our super editor

(2) An Author can create public notes (with the same tools) available for free on the site. These notes are designed to meet students needs as solved exercises of the highest quality based on innovating teaching methods. The data basis covers a Bachelor level in Math and Physics.

Please enjoy reading if you know a little bit of French! 

 HighColle is the English site (beta version)

(1) You can sign up as a User, create and share private notes using an easy LaTeX. Test our super editor

(2) An Author can create public notes (with the same editor) available for free on the site. Currently, there is no data available in English. Feel free to connect if you wish to join us as an author!